About Boss..

Who are Boss Morris?

Founded in 2015, Boss Morris is a group of female creatives supported by professional musicians who share an artistic and progressive vision of morris dancing as a means to increase social engagement and interest in this unique and ancient folk dance. 


What we do:

We work hard and take joy in both learning and sharing traditional Cotswold morris dances collected in the early 1900’s and choreograph our own inspired dances to modern music and electronic tracks.

We perform live at festivals, community events, fairs and fetes, alongside bands and in music and arts videos.

We aim to be a part of shaping the future of morris dancing, as an inclusive and fresh approach to folk dance. We try to connect with a distant dance form and redevelop relevance by understanding the history and embracing modernity.


How we do it:

Boss Morris are a group of good friends, who work together to build an open and forward-thinking collaborative team.


Why we do it? Our values:

With the aim of bringing morris to new audiences and reshaping some of the predefined customs.

Boss Morris are part of a wider movement which is reclaiming the narrative around our culture and past and how we feel about ‘England’ and ‘Englishness’.

Utilising our creativity and artistry to reimagine and play with a modern vision of a traditional folk dance while actively rejecting themes of nationalistic values.
Boss Morris strive to always have fun.